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2009 Dry Creek Meritage 干溪谷梅里蒂奇40周年紀念限量版

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梅裡蒂奇是採用五種高貴波爾多品種由釀酒師精心釀制而成以實現葡萄酒的深度和複雜性。 1985 年,干溪谷葡萄園酒庄創始人 David 是加州首位使用"Meritage 梅裡蒂奇"這名字來命名這類酒的人。 這款40周年精心釀造的限量版,分別於2012及2013年得到雜誌Wine & Spirits和紅酒愛好者89及91分的評分。可見品質得到專家的認可。 產區:干溪谷 葡萄品種:43%赤霞珠,30%梅洛,20%品麗珠,4%小維多,3%馬爾貝克 色澤: 呈深寶石紅色 酒度:13.5% 聞香:充滿經典波爾多風格 --黑醋栗、紅櫻桃和細微的胡椒氣息。 醒酒:大約30分鐘 酒評: 經典的波爾多香氣從玻璃與黑醋栗,紅櫻桃和辣椒的細微差別中飛躍在上顎上。奇妙的玫瑰花瓣,幹花,鼠尾草和香草香味開始交織在黑色水果中。酒體豐富,結構細膩和優美的深度結合在柔滑單寧結構中。飽滿度持久,餘韻悠長無間。它爆炸性的黑莓和櫻桃餡餅、醋栗、甘草和甜雪松風味交織在優美的單寧之中。 美食配搭 烤羊肉羊架,各類式牛排,芝士拼盤,意式美食如千層肉餅,肉丸肉醬義大利麵食及各種中式美食如咕嚕肉,肉夾膜,東坡肉等。 註冊登記成為會員, 享受更多優惠!! 快啲註冊登記成為會員啦!

Rincian Produk

Meritage is crafted with the care of five noble Bordeaux varieties by winemakers to achieve the depth and complexity of the wine. In 1985, Dry Creek Valley Vineyard founder David was the first person in California to use the name "Meritage" to name this wine. This 40th Anniversary Brewed Limited Edition received ratings of 89 and 91 from Wine & Spirits magazine and wine lovers in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The visible quality is recognized by experts. 

The classic Bordeaux aroma leaps from the nuances of glass with blackcurrant, red cherry and pepper on the cheek. Fantastic rose petals, dried flowers, sage and vanilla scents begin to intertwine in the black fruit. The rich body and delicate structure and graceful depth are combined in a smooth tannin structure. The fullness lasts and the afterglow lasts. Its explosive blackberry and cherry pie, gooseberry, licorice and sweet cedar flavors are intertwined in beautiful tannins. 

Pairing: Roast lamb rack, various steaks, cheese platters, Italian delicacies such as mille-feuille patties, meatballs, Bolognese, pasta and various Chinese delicacies such as Gollum, meat sandwich, Dongbo meat, etc. 

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