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購物滿 HKD 1500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

2011 Capewood Merlot 海堡梅洛

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採用加州各大産區如北海岸,蒙得利爾,中谷地区種植的葡萄精心釀制而成。性價比高,經濟低飲,為飲家所喜愛! 葡萄品种:90%梅洛,4%赤霞珠,3%其他混釀 产區:加州 色澤:明亮寶石紅色 聞香:充滿成熟紅櫻桃,香草和乾草葯氣息 酒度:12.50% 酒体:中等偏低 酸度:適中協調 口感:充滿成熟紅櫻桃,香草和乾草葯味,果味濃郁。單寧醇厚順滑,並帶有樱桃和藍莓味道。余韻持久。越飲越好飲! 醒酒: 約30分鐘(自然醒) 美食配搭 各式牛扒牛仔肉,各種中式美食如糖醋排骨,東坡肉,燒腩仔。可作派對及婚宴用酒。 超級大優惠!! 買得多便得多

Maklumat produk

Palate: A ruby colored wine, bright and flavorful with ripe berry fruit and spice notes. Aromas and flavors of ripe strawberry, cranberry, vanilla and dark chocolate. Soft, elegant mouthfeel with refined, silky tannins and smooth finish.


Briefing: ~30mins

Pairing: All kinds of Steak and Veals, Chinese Cuisines-Sweet & Sour Ribs, BBQ Pork Belly. Ideal for weddings and party.



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