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2018 Leaping Horse Merlot 駿馬梅洛

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富氏家庭一直促進並以可持續發展務農方式種植葡萄 35年。整個葡萄園採用減少作物、除葉、有機肥料和滴灌系統提高品質和加強風味。並吸引有益昆蟲治理蟲害。此外為保護周圍的棲息地在葡萄園周圍和池塘設置貓頭鷹框和木鴨框。 酒評: 風格直接, 呈紫色和黑色水果氣息及李子, 黑櫻桃,可哥香草和甜橡木的味道,口感順滑。駿馬創造了一款樸素的葡萄酒,可以配搭任何菜餚。 廚師配餐建議: 梅洛是一種非常多才多藝的紅葡萄酒,適合配搭多種肉類。烤火雞或雞肉,烤煙熏三文魚肉醬意面菜、 豬肉、 烤的蔬菜或牛排沙拉。 成份: 85% 梅洛, 5% 品麗珠,10% 赤霞珠 產區: 加州羅迪 陳釀: 三個月法國新橡木桶 酒度: 14.5% 酸度: 3.52 餘糖: 3.2 g/L 評分: 2014年份 紅酒熱衷者8 月2016 性價比高85分 “此酒酒體適中, 酒質柔順。具雪松和辛辣氣息。它辛香味濃、酸度和單寧低。” 三藩市紀事報紅酒大賽 2016 一月 銀獎 註冊登記成為會員, 享受更多優惠!! 快啲註冊登記成為會員啦!

Rincian Produk

Vineyards: The Kautz family has been promoting and working with sustainable viticulture for over 35 years. Crop reduction, leaf removal, organic materials and drip irrigation are used throughout the vineyards to improve the quality and intensity of flavors. Cover crops, which attract beneficial insects are also employed. In addition, owl boxes and wood duck boxes are placed around the vineyards and ponds helping to preserve the surrounding habitats. This Merlot comes from soils that are sandy loam and well-drained allowing the wonderful ripeness come through to the grapes.


Winemaker Notes: Straight-forward in style, the Leaping Horse 2018 Merlot has violet and dark fruit aromas with plums, black cherry, cocoa vanilla and sweet oak character creeping into the flavor. Mouth filling yet smooth, Leaping Horse has created an unpretentious wine that can pair with just about anything.


Chef Recommendations: Merlot is a very versatile red that works well with many types of meats. Try ours with roast turkey or chicken, grilled blackened salmon, meat sauced pasta dishes, pork, grilled vegetables or a steak salad. Wine Enthusiast, Aug. 2016 Best Buy (v. 2014)

Blend: 85% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc, 10% Cab Sauvignon

Appellation: CaliforniaSub-AVA: Lodi 
Aging: Three months, New French Oak  
Alcohol: 14.5% TA: 5.6 pH: 3.52RS: 3.2 g/L


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