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幸福Blissful Red混釀葡萄酒

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飲幸福混釀干红,幸福快樂又安康!! 這款酒庄酒,是這系列最受歡迎,性價比高的一款,為喜慶宴會所樂用! 葡萄品种:Primitivo, 仙粉黛,桑塞維斯,巴貝拉,梅洛,赤霞珠和西拉 产區:加州門多西之諾 聞香:充滿櫻桃乾,李子乾和丁香乾氣息 酒度:13.50% 酒体:中等稍為偏高 酸度:適中,良好 口感:充滿明亮覆盆子Raspberry和肉桂味 Cinnamon,果味濃郁。單寧柔順。 容量:750ml 整体評價: 即開即飲,果香豐富,入口平宜近人,充滿黑色水果的味道,略帶少許果甜感覺。酒体豐厚,單寧柔順。帶有一點意大利風采,越飲越好飲。 美食配搭 各種意大利麵食,薄餅,肉丸子,各種中式美食。 奖项 铜奖Bronze Wine Luxe 2023 註冊登記成為會員, 享受更多優惠!! 快啲註冊登記成為會員啦!

Maklumat produk

Blissful Red brings you Luck, Happiness and Health 

This wine is the most sellable wine among Bliss series, especially using for wedding banquets and parties. 

Appellation: Mendocino, CA

Vineyard Sources: Bliss, Feliz, and Contento Ranches

Alcohol: 13.5% 

pH: 3.56

TA: 0.62/100ml


Our perennial “pizza/pasta wine” has become ‘Blissful Red’: starring Primitivo, Zinfandel, and Sangiovese with Barbera, Merlot, Cab, and Syrah for additional structure.  It has a nose of dried cherries, plums, and clove, followed by a rich mouth feel bursting with bright raspberries and cinnamon notes.  This wine finishes with integrated tannins and good acidity to make it the perfect food match.


Versatile enough to pair with everything from savory pizzas to delicious pastas. Perfect with a Hawaiian “pie”, spaghetti with meatballs, or just about anything.

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