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歡迎光臨 醇酒屋 加州葡萄酒專家!本公司致力推廣不同口味的加州精品葡萄酒, 切合不同客戶需要。並設有零售和批發歡迎致電本店或光臨我店購買。 Welcome to Thy Wine California online shop. Our company dedicates to introduce boutique wines from California trying to meet the consumers' and wine lovers' taste palates. Retail and Wholesale are both welcome. 醇酒屋的宗旨,是要將加州鮮為人知,優質香醇的精品葡萄酒,以合理的價格,推薦給廣大的葡萄酒愛好者。 Our mission is to get wine lover in the region acquaint with less known California high quality boutique wines with reasonable and acceptable price. 在本平台上的每一款,都經過專業團隊精心挑選,無論從酒質,口感,風格都能夠滿足香港及中國大陸不同階層,不同年齡愛好者的要求。 Wines on our online shop are being selected by our team of experts. We believe all wines are of premium and super quality and widely acceptable and enjoyable to wine lovers in Hong Kong and China as well as in Asian countries. 最近更不約而同的收到好消息 - Awards recent received: Silvia Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 獲得 Decanter 93分(銀奬)的評級,Silvia 3 Barrels Red Wine 2016和盧卡斯汽泡酒 Lucas Sparkling(加州香檳 California Champagne) 獲香港酒業總會頒授金奬 HKGSWC Gold Medal,紅心女皇黑皮諾 Queen of Heart Pinot Noir 2012 and 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon 2014亦獲香港酒業總會頒授銀獎 HKGSWC Silver Medal。 加州葡萄酒有着以下的特點 California Wines Special Characteristic: 1. 果香芳香心濃郁撲鼻,醒酒時間短。平易近人,容易入口。 Rich in Fruity aroma, short briefing/decanting time. Approachable and easy to eat. 2. 酒質醇和,酒体豐厚,酸度適中平衡。 So mellow, full-bodied, with moderate balance of acidity. 3. 余韻悠長,單寧如絲般細緻幼滑。 Long-lasting with silky tannins finishing. 4. 特別適合與中西美食配搭,大大提昇我們的品味。 Especially suitable for pairing with Chinese and Western cuisines, which greatly enhances our palate sensation. 5. 中高端或以上的葡萄酒都有着陳年價值。 Wines of Mid-to-high-end or above have great ageing value. 6. 每一瓶葡萄酒都充滿加州陽光的精華。 Every bottle of wine is fully filled with the essence of the California sunshine. Enjoy California Wine Enjoy California Sunshine Thy Wine 加州精品葡萄酒品牌大使 California Wine Specialist/Brand Ambassador 友情連結 香港呈分試課程: https://www.hkwisekids.com 香港優惠資訊 https://hkfare.com
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