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2009 Lucas Petite Verdot 盧卡斯小維多


已售出: 2


小維多是波爾多最古老而稀有的品種,通常是用來調配波爾多紅葡萄酒的。是屬於少種的葡萄。 盧卡斯酒莊特意用這種葡萄,釀造成一款風格獨特的葡萄酒。全年只生産315瓶。 葡萄品種:100% 小維多 產區:加州 Santa Barbara 聞香:充滿黑色水果如黑莓和芳香氣息 色澤:黑暗紅色 酒度:13.50% 酒體:中等偏高 酸度:良好適中 陳釀:在法國橡木桶內24個月 口感:充滿紫羅蘭香味夾著成熟黑莓和櫻桃味,果味濃鬱。酒體豐厚,酸度良好,帶有少許橡木桶,香草和煙草味道,單寧豐厚柔順,余韻帶黑醋栗味。 醒酒:約45分鐘 容量:750ml 整體評價: 果香豐富,充滿黑色水果和香草味道,酒體厚實,層次分明複雜,單寧結實柔順細滑,余韻有黑醋栗,甘草和烤香料的辛辣感覺。越飲越好飲。 美食配搭 各式牛排牛仔肉,紅燒鷄腿,羊肉,各種中式美食如燒味,上海菜,紅燒豬手及各式鹵水美食。 註冊登記成為會員, 享受更多優惠!! 快啲註冊登記成為會員啦!


Petit Verdot is Bordeaux's oldest and rarest variety, often used to blend Bordeaux red wines. It is a grape that belongs to a small plant. Lucas Winery deliberately uses this grape to make a unique style of wine. Only 315 bottles were produced throughout the year. 

on Palate

Fruity and full of black fruit and vanilla notes, the wine has a thick body and complex layers, firm and smooth tannins, and a spicy finish with blackcurrants, licorice and roasted spices. The more you drink, the better it gets. 

Food pairing

 All kinds of steak beef meat, braised parrot leg, lamb, various Chinese delicacies such as roasted stuffs, Shanghai cuisine, braised pork hands and all kinds of brine delicacies.
