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2012 紅心女王Pinot Noir黑皮諾




已售出: 5


黑皮諾被譽為葡萄酒的美女,種植時需要悉心呵护,体態高雅誘人。 2010版于2013年美酒佳餚節 Wine & Dine喜獲最受歡迎奬。2012版于2020年榮獲香港酒業總會頒授銀獎。性價比高,為飲家所喜愛! 葡萄品种:100% 黑皮諾 产區:加州 Santa Barbara 聞香:充滿紅色水果如草莓李子氣息 酒度:14.50% 酒体:中等偏低 酸度:適中良好 容量:750ml 口感: 充滿成熟黑莓,黑樱桃和可樂味,果味濃郁。酸度良好,帶有少許橡木桶味道,單寧柔顺。 整体評價: 即開即飲,果香豐富,高貴優雅,入口平宜近人,充滿黑色水果和微弱的肉桂味道,酒体低薄平衡,單寧柔顺。越飲越好飲。 美食配搭 法式鴨胸,紅燒鷄腿,各種中式美食如燒鵝,燒鴨,各式鹵水美食,各類海鮮及色拉雜菜。 註冊登記成為會員, 享受更多優惠!! 快啲註冊登記成為會員啦!


Pinot Noir is known as the beauty of wine and when cultivated, it needs to be cared for and has an elegant and attractive body. The 2010 edition won the Most Popular Award at the 2013 Wine & Dine Food Festival. The 2012 edition won the Silver Award from the Hong Kong Wine Industry Federation in 2020. Cost-effective, loved by drinkers! 

Full of ripe blackberry, and cola flavors, fruity. Good acidity with a hint of oak barrel flavor and smooth tannins. 

Overall evaluation: 
ready-to-drink, fruity, noble and elegant, approachable in the mouth, full of black fruit and faint cinnamon flavor, low and balanced body, smooth tannins. The more you drink, the better it gets. 

French duck breast, braised harrier legs, various Chinese delicacies such as roast goose, roast duck, various brine delicacies, all kinds of seafood and salad dishes. 


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