3 Liter 2016 Silvia Three Barrels Magnum


已售出: 1


秉承我家意大利的傳统,我們選取加州優質葡萄生産限量版高品質葡萄酒。2016年索諾瑪谷的天氣近乎完美,使葡萄樹茁壮成長,果實均匀和穩定地成熟。 為何名為三個木桶呢?原来是有个故事的。想了解的話可查看相關的視頻。 2014年版的2018年時獲香港酒業總會頒授銀奬。今次2016年版更榮獲金奬。實在令人振奮。 這瓶 Magumn 比 750ml裝的三個木桶混釀在木桶裡陳釀多兩年, 因此它的品質比750ml裝的品質更好, 整體更平衡, 風格更多姿多彩,單寧更柔順如絲。 葡萄品种:60%西拉,20%仙粉黛,20% 赤霞珠 産區:加州北海岸 聞香:充滿黑色水果和橡木氣息 色澤:呈深寶石紅色 酒度:15.0% 酒体:中等偏高 酸度:適中良好 口感:充滿新鮮成熟黑櫻桃,烟薰,橙皮和咖啡豆味,果味濃郁。酸度良好,入口醇和,單寧豐厚有力如天鵝絨般幼滑,整体非常平衡。酒醒后複雜性更强,余韻悠長。越飲越好飲。 醒酒時間:約30分鐘 陳釀:80%新法國及美國橡木桶,20%不銹鋼桶 容量:3 公升 美食配搭 各式經典牛排和羊排,意式肉醬千層餅,各種中式美食如燒鵝,燒鴨,東坡肉等等及各式鹵水美食。


This elegant 2016 Three Barrels red blend its our third vintage. This is a perfect blend of
Syrah 60% Dry Creek Valley, Zinfandel 20% Dry Creek Valley and Cabernet Sauvignon 20%
Suisun Valley. This vintage is big on the nose and long never lasting finish on the mouth.
With a full mouth-feel of cherries, toasty oak, candied orange peel and roasted coffee
beans. This beautiful wine is hand-picked and 80% barrels fermented in a 50% new French
and American Oak, the remaining 20% was fermented in stainless. Our 2016 Three Barrels
blend is an approachable wine and perfect pairing with almost everything from a light
vegetable dishes to pairs perfectly with lasagna, grilled lamb or beef and strong cheeses.
Enjoy our best vintage we made so far. 

Remark: This Super Magmun (3 L) has been barrel aged for two years more than the 750 ml format.

RELEASE:  DATE September 2020
BLEND:  Syrah 60% Zinfandel 20% Cabernet Sauvignon 20%
80%Dry Creek Valley, 20% Suisun Valley
HARVEST DATES: September - 2016

BRIX: Average 25.8
PH: 3.71
TA: 0.35/100mL
BARREL AGING: 80% Barrels fermented in American and French oak
and 20 % Stainless Steel Fermented 

Food Pairing

Steaks, Lamb Chops, Meat Pasta, Cheese etc

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